I’ve been quite negligent of this blog this month but, well, it’s August, and I’d be ruining the stereotype some of you may have about France if I did a normal amount of work. It’s the season of parties and outdoor this and that and to add to that it has been one of the hottest and driest summers since the big scorcher of 2003. So production here has been spasmodic and shambolic (note: my spell checker does not recognise that word) at the same time.
I have though painted a Victrix (plastic) 28mm battalion of French Napoleonic Infantry up as the 6th Italian Line or more properly, 6° Reggimento Fanteria di Linea. The varieties of pose are extraordinary within the Victrix box and you will always have dozens of heads and other plastic military ephemera left over when you have finished. Not all is perfect though (note the arms of the drummer come only with epaulettes) but I will remember next time to cut these epaulettes off. One of the nice things about working with plastic is the easy with which changes can be made.
The flag is a temporary download from the web and, in the fullness of time, will be replaced by a ‘proper’ Grahame Black one. If Grahame had a website I’d add it to the links here but here is his email address if you want to buy the best (gmbdesigns@blueyonder.co.uk).
Meanwhile, the factory will return to work soon and be delivering up more of the ACW Project.
Very nice,beautiful work.
ReplyDeleteI'm doing some Victrix myself as Italians at the moment...but I vacillated...Originally I was going for the white uniform, then got all hooked on early green uniforms....Now (half-way through a unit) I've decided I prefer the white (your pics tipped the balance)...so.. I will complete the green battalion, but the rest are going to be white.
These figures look great. I look forward to doing some myself.
Very nice.