Thursday 25 December 2008

More pictures and would someone get me another Bloody Mary

I said I'd grab a few minutes to post these pictures and, as I write, the turkey is in the oven (great smells are wafting in my direction) and my Bloody Mary needs refilling but here goes:

Top picture: Red or 1st Division on a hill. Two British brigades in the foreground with a 6pdr battery in between. In the rear, two battalions of the Hanoverian guards.

2nd picture: 2nd Division. Hanoverian brigade in the left foreground and Brunswick brigade on the right. Held in the rear is the Hessian Brigade.

3rd picture. British cavalry brigade looking very lonely. The project for February and March is to add two more cavalry brigades.

4th and 5th pictures: the town inhabited only by vagrants as all 'sensible' people have left fearing the effects of war on their neighbourhoods!

6th picture: the line of infantry stretching into the distance.

7th picture: The Hessian brigade in the foreground, the Brunswickers in the background, and the C-in-C all in place close to the Fat Chicken Inn.

8th picture: The Red (or 1st) Division from the rear.

Have a great holiday and pass the port!

Tuesday 23 December 2008

Terrain etc

The top picture shows a special I made from three hexes glued together - a farm complex with outbuildings and fruit orchard. All buildings from Hovels.

The 2nd, 4th and 5th pictures show another one of my specials - three hexes glued together with card buildings, streets, back gardens etc. This 'town' covers a small footprint and is strictly speaking about 20mm scale but I think it looks great although the hexes have warped a bit and I will need to correct this. All the buildings come from a terrific German company ( and I'd like to do my bit to encourage German exports by recommending them highly.

The third picture is taken from near the town and looks down the length of the table.
Its quite difficult to see contours of hills but they are all there. I pin all hills in place to stop them moving and all my trees (mostly from Heki) have pins in their bases as well. Thats why it takes about 5 hours to set up all the terrain.

I've taken some more pictures will soldiers 'en-place' and I'll post them over the next couple of days.

Sunday 21 December 2008

The new table.........

The top picture is a taster of the finished result. There will be more pictures soon.

I've been without a wargames table for 5 years now and you can perhaps
imagine my pleasure at building a new one. All my hex terrain, trees, buildings and other bits have sat in cardboard boxes all that time and, so far, having opening over twenty boxes, nothing is irretrievably damaged.

The next three pictures show the table under construction using 18 Ikea legs (cheap and just the job). Thanks guys for your help. The bottom two pictures show the edging being put on the table top - a not uncomplicated procedure! Although this table is large (24' x 7') its about two thirds of the size of the two tables I had in Normandie so I have lots of spare hexes. By the way, all the terrain is 25mm. The attic of my house is 140 square metres in size so this table sort of 'sits in a corner'.

Over the next few days (Christmas festivities allowing) I'll post some pictures of the first layout and put some of the Pragmatic/SYW Allied forces in place.

Happy Holidays.

Happy Christmas to you all

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I've been busy with building the wargames table and I'll post some pictures of the finished result over the next few days. In the meantime, I hope you all have a great holiday.