Tuesday 29 December 2015

DR11 Stechow Dragoons

Here is another Prussian Dragoon regiment, this time with rather fetching yellow facings. Next week we will have a double regiment, 10 squadrons of DR5.

Prussian Dragoons - DR7 Plettenberg

We have returned to the Prussian army we were working on back in 2014 and we are expanding it enormously to allow it to face he Austrians. Here we start with the 7th Dragoons. Figures are by Crusader.

Wednesday 23 December 2015

Tuesday 22 December 2015

Twelve 28mm wagons

None of the wagons have been glued to their bases (because they need to go in the post) so that explains some slightly strange positions.

Four manufacturers are shown - Foundry, FR (Front Rank), BH (Black Hussar) and F&D (Fife and Drum). The nicest are the two wagons from BH. The best and chunkiest horses are from FR.

Sunday 20 December 2015

40mm Prussian SYW: Frei-Infanterie Regiment No.2 von Mayr

My latest recruits to my small SYW Prussian army (you will recall that my Austrian army is much larger) are these Frei Korps rough-looking scoundrels. They are based in pairs so that they can go around skirmishing and generally upsetting the locals. There is an extra Jaeger company with rifles.

These will be in the Vanguard and Major General von Werner will have a small command of four squadrons of his own hussars, a couple of 3 pdr guns and two battalions of Frei Korps.

I think the double-blue colour scheme is rather stylish!

Monday 14 December 2015

Austrian Artillery Park

The last time I painted Austrian artillery was back in September 2012 so here is the final 7 batteries to complete the park.
Battery one is four 3pdrs for the Advance Guard - the guns are from Front Rank.

All the remaining guns are from Fife & Drum and they are beautiful castings - flash free, crisp and easy to assemble. A great price too so well worth the buy.

Battery 2 and 3 are each 4 howitzers. (My scale is one gun model and two crew = two guns)
Battery 4,5, and 6 are each 6 x 6pdrs
Battery 7 is 10 x 12pdrs.

Batteries were often 6 guns but not always so. In OOBs of the period you can see sometimes batteries of 10 and 12 guns.

That concludes the Austrian army except for one tiny mishap. I appear to have painted Hussar regiment Hadik twice so later on next year I will have to resolve this problem.

Saturday 12 December 2015

Piedmontese Infantry Regiment KALBERMATTEN (Swiss)

Here is another Piedmontese battalion for this WAS army I am planning. Nine line battalions and one light so progress is steady as five line battalions are done. I love these unusual units with startling flags.

If you want a copy of that excellent article on the WAS which I was serialising here then send me an email and I will send you the PDF.

Monday 7 December 2015

Austrian SYW: Grenz hussars

There were four Grenz Hussar regiments and here we show one squadron from each regiment. The figures are mostly Crusader although the musician is Front Rank. You will find that you have to do this quite a bit with Crusader as they have messed up some of the musician figures.

That concludes the Austrian cavalry - phhhhew!!

This week we will paint 20 batteries of artillery and that will be the Austrians finished.

Saturday 5 December 2015

AWI 40th Foot

These 28mm Perry plastics are a great pleasure to paint and I am a huge fan of large units.


Tuesday 1 December 2015

Austrian Hadik Hussars

This is the penultimate Austrian cavalry unit in this project and the project itself will end a week later with all the artillery. And there is a lot of artillery!

Here we have Hadik Hussars with Crusader figures. They are on the new ebob horses and they are not a very good fit although the horses per se are quite decent sculpts.