Friday 26 July 2024

10mm WSS: van Dyck miniatures: Zurlauben Regiment


This company in Belgium produces the finest and most detailed tiny metal miniatures. Their ranges are a little limited but their figures are gorgeous. In particular they have exquisite horses which, in my view, is the best way to judge the work of a mini-sculptor.

I'm showing here the French(Walloon) regiment Zurlauben, 3 battalions, whose greatest claim to fame was it's defence of the village of Blenheim. On 13 August, it took part in the disastrous Battle of Blenheim where it was virtually annihilated and its colonel mortally wounded.

I also show here my system for basing regiments formed in 4-5 ranks, which includes every nation except the British and Dutch. I snip off the supplied standard pikes and replace them with tiny steel pins because I like big flags.

Visit their website at

Tuesday 23 July 2024

12m Epic Scale ACW: 74th New York Zouaves


For a pleasant and colourful change.

12mm Epic Scale ECW: Royalist Foot 13 and 14


Here are the last two Royalist foot regiments.

Thursday 4 July 2024

12mm Epic Scale ECW: Royalist Foot 11 and 12


Colonel John Taylor's Foot (white flags) and Jacob Astley's Foot (blue flags).

Saturday 22 June 2024

28mm Perry Plastics FPW 1870: French Infantry (2)


I've done a third battalion and made a change to the flag arrangement. Previously I just had the flag on the second battalion (as was historically correct) but now I have added flags to all battalions. It is a question of what looks good to me and 'looking good' sometimes has to trump what might be historically accurate. The notional regiment has turned into the 50th Regiment too as I have decided to press on with this project and paint eleven battalions for this army. The mounted officer is Marshal Canrobert but I will be using him as General de Brigade Montmarie.

Monday 17 June 2024

12mm Epic Scale ECW: Royalist Foot 9 and 10


John Talbot's 'white' regiment and the 'yellow' regiment of Colonel Bernard Ashley.

Sunday 9 June 2024

28mm Napoleonic Russians: IR Kazan


Here are two new battalions for my Russian army. I've done four battalions and I showed these a year ago (Tchernigovsk and Staroskol Regiments) so we are progressing with the second brigade. I choose which regiments to paint based entirely on the flags and these are from Flags of War.