Wednesday 29 July 2020

40mm SYW: Prussian IR30 Blanckensee (both battalions)

My latest Prussian regiment is here and that now brings their strength to ten battalions, my first 'division' under Lt.General Forcade de Biaix. Each battalion is 24 figures and that means I am about half way through the infantry. The figures are from Tident, now relocated to New Zealand, but I suspect that the 2nd Division will mostly have figures from Front Rank as postage will be cheaper.

On another matter, the absence of any decent Grenz figures out there, I have commissioned Steve Barber to sculp one for me. Heads will be separate and he will be in a standing pose with musket resting on the ground. I want three Grenz battalions for my Austrian Avant Guard.

Tuesday 28 July 2020

15mm Seleucids: Archers, slingers and kestrophendone

At the back 4 units of archers. In the middle, three units of 'conventional' slingers. At the front slingers with kestrophendone, which I had never heard of until I painted this unit. It was a sling that threw a dart but which, I would guess, would need a great deal of training to become proficient.