This is the 2nd Brigade of Barlow's Division of the 11th Corps. As I said in my earlier post below, this is a fictional OOB. The Brigade is commanded by B.Gen Adelbert Ames and consists of:
(Top picture) two battalions -
29th Massachusetts (5 bases of 3)
46th Massachusetts (5 bases of 3)
(Next two pictures) Every army has to have its Zouaves -
114th Pennsylvania (5 bases of 3) with red trousers
155th Pennsylvania (5 bases of 3) in blue with yellow lace
All the figures are Sash & Saber.
The last two pictures are of Dixon's figures and show B.General Barlow, the divisional commander (a base with two figures) and the Corps commander Major General Oliver Howard,
a base with three figures.
Eventually, this small army will consist of two divisions of 11th Corps with some attached cavalry and I'm hoping my friend Seb will paint up the Confederates.
Nice figures, Nigel!
ReplyDeleteDon't worry, Confederates are on their way. I have already gathered 50 or so figures and I'm waiting for Perry's plastic release to really begin this period.
...I'll agree with that - they are very nice!
ReplyDeleteWho's computer rules will you use or are you writing your own??
Lovely figures Nigel!
ReplyDeleteSeb put me onto your blog, most impressive. What rules are you going to use?
One minor problem, your Howard figure has two arms. He lost one earlier in the ACW