My plan is to have McLaws Confederate Division (part of Longstreet's 1st Corps at Gettysburg) finished and ready to take on Howard's XI Corps by October.
When I have painted Confederates in the past they have taken longer to complete than the Yankees and with time pressing, I have gone the easy route using the Army Painter product mentioned in previous posts.
Finished is Kershaw's Brigade. At the top, a photo of the man himself and underneath, my figure (a Perry metal). One of the pleasures of painting ACW is the ability to select a wargames figure that looks vaguely like the real thing. Wilkopedia serves the purpose here as almost every general has a photograph lurking somewhere. Of course this will also increase my workload as I will have to match up Union generals as well.
(3rd picture) The brigade assembled together under their smart GMB flags.
(4th to 7th pictures) Each unit is shown in line. I have changed the basing (again!) and now have 4 figures to a base. I also plan to re base my Union forces and give each regiment a second standard bearer. Most of these figures are Perry's plastics but I've also bought some drummers from Dixons (who sell figures individually) and though they are not great figures (strange over sized heads)it allows me to give each unit an officer, standard bearer and drummer.
Lastly, a word on Army Painter. I know its a complete contradiction in terms but I treat Army Painter as a demi-purist! A purist could get a similar effect with a one-tone paint job across the board and leave all the 'character' to the Army Painter.
I can't depart from the habits of a lifetime and still use, mostly, my two-tone painting system underneath the coat of Army Painter. Whatever system you use, I think this product really does the job and turns pristine clean soldiers into dour, weathered veterans ready for anything.
PS I've been waiting ages for my Victrix order and plan to paint up some French Napoleonics as Italians when they eventually arrive.
PPS SAVORY - an announcement is a couple of weeks away at the latest. Everything is GO.