Thursday, 21 January 2010

Poll - What armies should I finish?

To help me focus I've started a poll which I'd really appreciate if you would enter.
Your voting will help me determine what you would most like to see.
I've left out the ACW as these armies will be ready soon anyway but here are the remaining options:

1) WAS/SYW French and British Allies. The latter are largely done (two and a half infantry divisions out of three are finished) and two brigades of cavalry out of a planned six. But the French have hardly been touched. I could certainly concentrate on getting a couple of French infantry divisions done so a game could be scheduled for the end of the year. Downside - figures have to be bought.

2)Napoleonic's Spain. Actually I already own enough Victrix and Perry boxes of plastics to paint up about a Division a side (24 figures a battalion)plus there is the bonus of knowing that the Perrys are about to release Dragoons and Hussars.

3) Eastern Renaissance - Poles and Russians. These have been moving ahead and with armies of only 12-14 units a side might be completed the fastest. Downside - figures have to be bought.

4) Ancients - secret project. There will be more on this in a post this weekend but I can say that it involves plastics and the year 56BC.

5)40mm SYW Prussians and Austrians. I could certainly paint up more infantry and Chris Hughes of Sash and Saber has promised cavalry and artillery this year.

Let me know what you think please.


  1. A toughie with so many tempting options. Given I'm not taking into consideration what figures you have or need to buy, I'm coming down on the side of Renaissance in Eastern Europe.
    Good luck!

  2. Napoleonics in Spain. Simple you have the figures already.

  3. Go for the secret project - could be naval (Mobihan), could be Roman or even Gauls!

  4. WAS British - with just a few figures to paint you can then tick off one completed army/task....

  5. War of the Austrian Succession- it may well inspire me to get working on mine, as well!

    A finished project (if one can ever truly be said to be finished) can be a very satisfying accomplishment.

  6. WAS/SYW French so that you can have some wargames. Isn't gaming what the hobby is ultimately all about?

    That is good news about the S&S cavalry and artillery. I really like the work that you did on their 40mm SYW figures.

  7. WAS/SYW gets my vote - you have lots done for one side, time to build the opponent and hen get to playing. Then you can post photos of the battles on your blog.

  8. Eastern Renaissance. Stephane and me are building up 30YW armies. So we could have a game next autumn :o)

  9. Painting an opponent for something you already have has got to be a good the French 7YW for mine.

  10. Focus on the 18th century collection. You seem to be so close to completion.

    aka timurilank

  11. Nigel,

    Finish your 18th century figures. You are so close to completion.

    aka timurilank
