Monday, 28 March 2016

IR 1

Now we return to Prussian infantry and these are the 'poster-boys'of IR1. I say poster-boys because to my eye the uniform of IR 1 is the classic look of Prussian infantry of the SYW and the plain, but striking Orange flags, compliments this.

Figures by Foundry. These are still the best sculpts.

Tuesday, 22 March 2016

40mm Twelve squadrons of Austrian Dragoons

It's time to re-acquaint ourselves with my 40mm SYW armies. Recently you have seen some Prussians but now back to the Austrians. I pictured these back in July 2013 but the lighting was not right so here they are again. Six squadrons of the Erzherzog Joseph dragoons on the left (green coats) and six squadrons of the Sachsen-Gotha dragoons on the right(in the red coats) with their commander Berlichingen at the front. These are a thundering mass!

4th Puttkamer Hussars

Here are 10 squadrons of the 4th Hussars which was often referred to as the “White Hussars” because of their white pelisses or die Bählämmer (the bleating lambs), later die Wölfe im Schafspelz (the wolves in sheep's clothing) or simply die Wölfe (the wolves).

Figures are by Foundry and I am moving on to infantry next week.

Monday, 14 March 2016

12th Prussian von Kyau Cuirassiers

You can see that the lighting has improved but we now have a slight issue with shadow. I'm not sure how we will deal with this (I guess strip-lighting over the whole table should sort this) but that will be a long term ambition.

This is the last of the Prussian cuirassiers I will be painting in 28mm and this week I will complete another Hussar regiment before I move on with a mountain of infantry.

Saturday, 12 March 2016

8th Prussian Cuirassiers Rochow

The photography has changed as we are back in France. The lighting is poor (because it is in my basement) but that too will change and I will open up new vistas on this table that is 15 feet by 6 feet.

Here I show another Prussian cavalry regiment in 28mm, figures by Crusader.